About Us
Empowering independent retailers for the new era of retail

The one size fits all model of retail is history
In the last few years it has become apparent that the one-size-fits all model offered by the retail giants is dead. Staples of US and European retail have disappeared overnight, as consumers increasingly want products they can identify with at an individual level. At Sparkinity we see the potential of this seismic shift that will give rise to an exciting new era of retail, where small businesses will take centre stage and thrive like never before.

Changing the balance of power to favour the independents
For decades independents have been disadvantaged due to lengthy product discovery processes, uninformed stock choices, with no benefits of customer insights and financial terms. Sparkinity addresses these long standing disparities by not just levelling the playing field but tilting it in the favour of the independents through a personalised toolkit that completely transforms how independent retailers stock their stores, differentiate from their competition, and how bands and creators reach their customers. Providing real shot at making dreams a truly successful reality.